Thursday 11 June 2015

Book Review: Gluck, Her Biography by Diana Souhami

I was invited by Netgalley to review this book. 
To say the truth I had no idea who this person was and I had my doubts I would enjoy the biography, they are not my usual cup of tea.
Yet it was a book I read with dedication. A book that not only described to me, as wikipedia does, Gluck’s lifetime, but what was more important it described the emotions that motivated Gluck’s life. Why she came to call herself so? Why did she paint that painting? Why did she move in that house? Why the choice of that colour?
This book showed me through its pages the humanness of this artist. The unaccepted child of a rich family where all had pre-established roles that had to be played and she couldn’t find one that worked out for her. 
The love and hate relationship with her mother and brother that must have fuelled many tensions and acrimony. The struggling lesbian in a society that she never felt her own yet she could not completely cut herself off.
The constant hiding of love towards the loved one and always coming second in place after the husband. The wanting more but can’t have it because there was no role for her in the society she lived in.
Through this book, Gluck came alive with conflicts many of us, GLBT in the closet, are very familiar with. 
I felt sorry for her because she must have gone through tremendous sufferings, dilemmas and there was no friend or organisation she could go to, to talk her heart out, to feel part of a group. To help her feel less different. I felt sorry she could not heal those inner personal conflicts that made her suffer so much in her life.
All this and more has been, with careful detail and much respect described in this book.

A worthwhile compassionate read.

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