Wednesday 12 November 2014

Scorpionic Delirium

Last night I meet my physical limits.
I danced with my own madness,
And the rawness of unexpected, unexpressed, 
explosive, visceral fear.

I walked blindly the valley of Scorpio
Where life and death passionately mingle.

I tasted cold pungent sweat,
And repeated uncontrolled violent retching,
Coming from life's abyssal dark core:
Anger, fear, abuse and transformation.

I succumbed to delirium,
My thoughts scattered,
Yet narrating intimate emotions,
Hardly aired in a lifetime.

My movements,
Violent, haphazard.
As if bitten by a tarantula,
In a scary hypnotic trance.

My teeth clenched,
As if trying  to hold on to something,
Quickly escaping away.

Whilst profound, continuous moans, 
Accompanied chattering teeth,
Sensing the liberating cold lucidity of death,
Just beyond that thin line, 
I was quickly approaching.

Quick shallow breath, 
kept the beat of a crescendo,
Dry tongue tasted acid,
Parched lips alternated foul language & devoted prayer.

I had an option to escape,
But dared to trespass and walk the path.

For this time, 
I managed to emerge sanely to the other side,

And live to tell the tale

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